Many college applications ask for letters of recommendation. For prospective students, this may be the first time you’ve had to ask for a letter. Knowing how to ask for letters of recommendation is important. With that in mind, here are some basic tips for navigating this process.

Ask People Who Know You Best

One of your first decisions is who to ask. It may be tempting to ask a favorite teacher or boss. Other people think the best thing is to find someone “important” to write a letter. However, the most important thing is going to be the content of the letter. Thus, select people who know you the best to ask for letters. Although it is important to note not to ask family members. While family members certainly can be objective, there is a potential for a conflict of interest. The best letters typically come from teachers, club advisors, people with volunteer organizations, coaches, and other people you’ve work with.

Ask Early and Be Polite

 One problem that students often bring upon themselves is waiting too late to ask for a letter of recommendation. It is incredibly important to give people several weeks to complete a letter. There are many reasons for this. First, people tend to be busy. Additionally, some people like to reflect on what to write for a while depending on their writing style and process. Additionally, ensure that you are polite. Ask rather than assume. Politeness will go a long way in receiving a positive response.

Provide Information to Help

 For many people, writing a letter of recommendation comes easily. For others, it can be a bit of a process. Thus, be sure to help your recommenders by providing information. Specifically, letting them know basic things such as what you are considering majoring in or professional goals. Additionally, if you had to write admissions essays, consider providing some of them for review. This can help your references to better tailor the letters. Finally, ensure that you are providing instructions on how to submit the letter as well as deadlines.

Send Thank You Notes

While this does not have to do with asking for a letter, it is still a very valid point. Be sure to send a thank you note to your recommenders. E-mails are fine; however, a handwritten thank you note is even better. People like being appreciated and sending a note will enhance the likelihood that the person may send another letter in the future if needed. Again, being polite and showing appreciation are incredibly important qualities.